The échoFab Sustainable Dronautique offers training in ecodesign, programming, assembly and drone piloting.

During the winter-spring of 2018, in collaboration with École d’éducation internationale de Laval and Collège Beaubois, the initiative allowed 20 young people from secondary IV and V to benefit from the training, within the framework of a first pilot supported financially by the ministère de l’Économie, de la Science et de l’Innovation, through the NovaScience program, and the TELUS Community Investment Committee in Montreal.

The objectives encountered allowed :

  • to offer a stimulating and concrete learning environment, allowing young people to come together in ecodesign a drone, to learn the basics and technical skills necessary for their programming and their piloting
  • to create a sense of competence and trust in technology
  • to stimulate the interest of the next generation in scientific and technical careers and in the aerospace field

The project also offers transferable elements in different training contexts for the development of skills to integrate ecodesign.

A big thank you to our partners