[EN] 9- EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Nine…Get Drawing!…

De |2017-08-16T18:47:22+02:00avril 3rd, 2015|Artiste en résidence, Projet|

Today, I got the ant and bee prints to a level that I was happy with. I have also printed out a 'net' pattern of the final structure to test the shape over the weekend. I am also going to try to use it as a test to add Arduino interactive elements. Today, I really [...]

[EN] 7- EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Seven…

De |2017-08-16T20:52:28+02:00avril 1st, 2015|Artiste en résidence, Projet|

Today a development video. Some photos of the shapes and lights I am playing with. In the video you see the form that I have evolved. For me, evolving a form is only finished when the art-piece is over. I have developed the overall shape I want in 3ds Max as in the video but [...]

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